As a journalism major, I have been told about a million times throughout my college education that the AP Stylebook is the "holy grail" or the Bible for journalists. Although it is a pain in my butt to look up little details in the stylebook, I do appreciate what it tries to do. It boosts my writing and makes me sound more educated and also makes my articles look neat and orderly. 
    However, the stylebook does cause me much confusion as a college student. I use the stylebook so much in my journalism classes, that when I am in a Literature class or even a Sign Language class, I use AP style. At first the professors are confused with the style of my paper, but after I tell them I am a journalism student, they understand. 
     I also believe that AP style is something that takes awhile to grasp and can be frustrating at first. My twin sister Brandi Shaulis, a secondary English education major, recently had to use AP style for her Research for Writers class. The process of revision took her forever because of all the AP style corrections she had to make. Good thing she has a twin sister who is a journalism major or else there might have been more hair pulled out from her frustration. After her paper was complete, she looked at me and said, "Wow, your major sucks." I just laughed at her and said, "We can't both be the talented and smart twin."
    Many people like my sister, believe that journalism is a simple major and does not require a lot of writing skill. However, journalism is an art and also takes a lot of time and precision to master. 

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